Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Leo's Letter: Workforce! Workforce! Email And Call Your Legislators Today! - The Arc of Massachusetts Skip to main content

The Arc asks for 100% participation from all who care about the human services workforce!

Ask your legislators to contact their respective Chair of Ways & Means, and the head of their branch (Speaker of the House or Senate President) to fund Chapter 257 (Ch. 257) in the economic developmental bill now being finalized:

  • KEEP the Senate’s $150 million “annualized” increase for Ch. 257 which will trigger further raises (Senate bill 3018)
  • Also KEEP both branches’ $100 million in one-time monies for recruitment.

I can’t imagine how individuals and families are doing.

Agency leaders are struggling to staff homes, day programs, and support staff in general.  Small agencies are using reserves to pay staff more and will run out of reserve funds.

Many individuals with families haven’t had any staff support for much of the COVID duration; these include most adults with high support needs requiring significant support in ambulation, communication (non-verbal), help with eating or toileting or other ADL (activities of daily living) needs, or having complex medical and/or complex behavioral support needs have been delayed from returning to day programs or now been, discharged or waiting for Turning 22 admission.

Please take action with us today.

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