State & Federal
Policy Issues

Intro to State & Federal Policy Issues

In addition to budget and legislation, The Arc of Massachusetts is also engaged in policy advocacy. Policy issues can include changes within government that impact the way services are delivered and rights are enforced. Changes can be made to policies and regulations from time to time, and advocacy is needed to ensure that those changes are positive.

For example, MassHealth, the Department of Developmental Services, and the federal government craft policies that touch everything from healthcare to community-living services.

We know that these regulations can be challenging to interpret and can move quickly. This page will be continuously updated with information and fact sheets about relevant changes, new initiatives, and other important information.

If you have questions about anything on this page, or suggestions for additional information that would be helpful to see here, please email  

Current Federal Policy Issues


  • Medicaid is a vital program that provides health coverage to millions of low-income individuals, families, seniors, and people with disabilities. Medicaid is under attack at the federal level. We need to mobilize our community to protect these services. 
  • We’ve created a fact sheet about Medicaid and proposed federal changes, and what they would mean for our community. Check that out here.
  • This is a fast-moving situation. We are continuously updating this webpage about what you need to know and what you can do to support Medicaid.

Current State Policy Issues


  • The Arc is proud to be part of The Massachusetts Alliance for 21st Century Disability Policy (MA21). Please go to to join ongoing advocacy efforts to make sure that the Real Lives Law, which empowers individuals to self-direct their services, is implemented effectively. 

Accessory Dwelling Units

  • In 2024, Governor Healey signed the Affordable Homes Act (AHA) into law. Learn more about the Affordable Homes Act and its provisions related to disability and accessibility here.
  • The AHA includes one of The Arc of Massachusetts’ top priorities—allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to be built by-right in single family zoning districts. You can see a summary of the specific regulations regarding ADUs here and learn about funding opportunities here.