It’s been a busy week for the Operation House Call team. On Monday, Una Basak and Stephanie Lowell led a class at Boston University School of Medicine with coteaching from Sam Kanji. We had exceptional positive feedback from students who requested more of this kind of experience and learning.
Also on Monday, Maura Sullivan, Operation House Call’s Director, taught with a cross-disability team at Harvard Medical School, reaching 60 students. This partnership outside of our OHC program allows autism and IDD content to be threaded throughout their disability curriculum.
On Tuesday, Maura Sullivan put on her health policy hat on to speak about healthcare frameworks and health equity for people with autism and IDD in Washington, DC at the National Press Room with advocates from all over the country. Maura is on the national advisory board for IDDEAL, an initiative to develop inclusive healthcare frameworks, which grew from the work of the Institute for Exceptional Care (IEC).