Please contact your legislators today and urge them to cosponsor The Arc of Massachusetts’ legislative priorities for the 2025-2026 session.
As you may know, the New Year also brought the start of a new legislative session. The Arc’s Government Affairs team has been working closely with our legislative champions to file a strong, organized, and impactful legislative agenda.
We need your help at this early stage of the 2-year session to build support for these bills. Please complete this action alert to your legislators, asking them to cosponsor the bills on this agenda. Cosponsorship is a great way to demonstrate support.
- This action alert lists our top priority bills in the areas of uplifting the workforce, health equity, and community inclusion and empowerment.
- Feel free to follow-up with your legislators a week or so after you send this action alert as a reminder about the agenda, and to highlight specific bills you are particularly passionate about.
- You can also search the bill number to see if your legislator has already cosponsored it on the website.
If you have any questions, please reach out to
Thank you for your advocacy!
Please support our legislative session for disability rights especially for profound autism