Intensive Flexible Family Support Programs

The primary goal of Intensive Flexible Family Support Programs is to help support families with one or more members with a disability who are experiencing significant challenges, which are causing the child/individual to be at risk of out-of-home placement. This is a time-limited (6 to 12 months) and goal-oriented service providing more focused and intensive supports in response to identified areas of need and difficulty, and to build family capacity to support their child or young adult at home.There are nineteen regional or area based Intensive Flexible Family Support Programs funded by DDS across the state. Children/families must meet specific eligibility criteria for participation in this Program and referral for services is made by the local DDS Area Offices. These services are available to children and young adults up to age 22. For more information contact the local DDS Area Office.

Age Range
Transition Age (14-26)
State and Federal Services