Medically Complex Programs

Medically Complex Programs provide a family-driven model of care which supports families with children and young adults having significant cognitive, physical, and complex health care needs who are living at home. The goal is to provide comprehensive wrap-around supports, which consist of specialized case management activities that help families integrate the variety of resources and supports they are receiving in order to care for their family member at home. This Program complements and is supplemental to other MassHealth, state plan and third party insurers and provides vital assistance to families who need help in coordinating all of the in-home care they receive. This program offers an array of support options to families (parents and siblings) to keep their family member at home and allow for a meaningful quality of life for all, and helps to prevent out-of-home placements in a pediatric nursing home or residential school. Children must meet specific eligibility criteria for participation in this Program and referral for Program services is made by the local DDS Area Offices. However, Program staff are available to provide information and referral services to families and/or provide consultation to staff working with families who have a child/young adult with significant medical, physical and cognitive challenges.

Age Range
Early Childhood (0-5), School Age (4-22), Transition Age (14-26)
State and Federal Services