No right is more precious than the constitutional right to select our leaders. Yet thousands of eligible disabled American citizens are not even registered to vote. There was a time in the US nation’s history when barriers were erected to limit citizen access to the voting booth. The federal Voting Rights Act further safeguards the rights of all Americans to participate in our electoral system.
These precious rights should be of value to ALL individuals of American origin, born or naturalized, to take time to exercise them. Politicians listen to people who vote – or they’ll be out of a job. Elections have a lot to do in our lives and the lives of people close to us. Changing a couple of votes in the Senate or House – in the State Legislature – can change what happens to billions of dollars.
Helping other American citizens to register to vote, and reminding them how important it is to vote, is a part of my calling for them to have the voice that we need while making our participation in the US democratic process stronger.
Henry Milorin is a former Board Member of The Arc of Massachusetts. A Haitian immigrant, Henry came to the United States in his 20s with dreams of becoming a dentist. Upon the birth of his son Reggie, however, his career path changed. Reggie was born with autism, and Henry’s career and life path changed toward a life of advocacy. Over the last twenty years Henry has served as a volunteer and on the board of numerous disability organizations. He is a political advisor and consultant and a strong believer in civic engagement. Along with his wife, Evelyne (a former LEND fellow), he has become a revered member of the disability community, as well as the Haitian community within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
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