Agency Sponsors

Agency Sponsors

Through advocacy, education, and outreach, The Arc of Massachusetts gives individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), their families, and the agencies that serve them a powerful voice.

The Arc of Massachusetts fights for increased funding and supports, encourages legislators to pass effective laws, and affirms the rights of individuals with disabilities. As a member of The Arc’s Agency Sponsorship Program, you join forces with a well-known, respected statewide organization to ensure that the people we serve have the opportunities and resources they need to lead fulfilling lives in the community.

Join today. Contact Kalea Amundson, Development Operations Associate, at or (781) 891-6270 x102.

Become a Sponsor Today

Your voice will be heard in the State House, on Capitol Hill, and in the community.

The Arc of Massachusetts works closely with local, state, and federal elected officials to form public policy and educate decisionmakers on important disability issues. As an agency sponsor, you will learn how to mobilize your constituents and how to better advocate for funding and programs that serve them.

You have a seat at the table.

Your organization will receive comprehensive and timely information about key issues impacting human services and people with I/DD. We will assist you on scheduled State House visiting sessions and how to address proposed legislation with State Senators and Representatives. Plus, agency staff, volunteers, and constituents will be invited to attend regional advocacy trainings.

Promote your agency to The Arc’s growing constituent base.

You will be known as a champion for disability rights and have the opportunity to be recognized in The Arc’s multiple communications vehicles. Depending on your sponsorship level, your agency could receive exposure on The Arc of Massachusetts website, in articles in the weekly electronic newsletter Notes from The Arc, advertising in the quarterly Advocate newsletter, across social media platforms, and at events. The Arc has, and will continue to, invest in growing our constituency and organizing people whose lives are touched by I/DD, thereby expanding your agency’s reach.

Support advocacy for your constituents by giving generously through The Arc’s Agency Sponsorship Program.

Leading human service agencies and schools are key partners in The Arc’s work through the Agency Sponsorship Program. Not only will you be directly participating in and supporting the ongoing work to secure funding and establish effective disability policies, but you also receive great benefits, including access to information and resources. These benefits will help keep you and your colleagues informed and offer you access to The Arc’s statewide constituency. We offer several sponsorship levels to accommodate different budgets.

Organizations providing services to people with I/DD across the Commonwealth benefit from our advocacy. Please join with us so that we can work together to educate, empower, and organize our voices. We also can work with you to develop a custom package that will best meet your organization’s needs and add value for your agency or school. For example, you can combine agency sponsorship with sponsorship of our annual gala or advertising in Advocate. Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.