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Calling All Advocates and Friends of The Arc!

We need your help to advocate for increases in the Fiscal Year2023 budget that support people with autism and IDD and their families. The proposed FY’23 budget has been introduced by the Governor and is now being debated in the House Ways and Means Committee. Please take a few minutes to reach out to your Representative on the FY’23 budget.

The budget funding must be increased to meet the needs of 5,000 individuals with disabilities who are not being served or are getting minimal services. The budget line items to be increased include transportation, day and employment programs, supports for autism, and supportive technology.

Properly funding these DDS line items will help get more people back to receiving services, but we also request flexibilities in the funding due to the challenges of our workforce crisis and continued covid-19 situation affecting utilization. You will see our “asks” also include transferability between DDS and MassHealth line items, flexibility in the use of funding, and supporting parents and guardians as paid caregivers.

Given the challenges faced by providers, individuals, and families in regard to hiring and retaining staff, The Arc requests extending the ARPA funding in MassHealth and DDS programs. Direct Support Professionals need to be paid equitably, in the $20 per hour range.

Please send this letter, included below, to your Representative and follow up to ensure that he or she takes action on your behalf.

For more information on our FY’23 Budget Ask, please contact Maura Sullivan at or check out our advocacy page at

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