Leo Sarkissian, Maura Sullivan, and Ellen Taverna participated in three legislative advocacy events hosted in person and virtually by The Arc Chapters on Friday, April 1.
Leo joined Incompass Human Services, Northeast Arc, and other agencies at the 2022 Northeast Human Services Advocacy Legislative Breakfast: Workforce Summit at Peabody’s Black Box Theater. Leo helped facilitate a panel of eight state legislators to discuss the direct support workforce crisis.
Maura Sullivan participated in the Cape Cod Disability Network legislative event with Community Connections and other providers that showcased powerful family stories and stories from direct support professionals who love their jobs, but can’t afford to stay in the field on the Cape.
Ellen Taverna joined the United Arc’s virtual Coffee and Conversation with several legislators in attendance and spoke about The Arc’s top FY23 Budget priorities, including a significant investment in the workforce.
The focus of all three events was on how service providers, individuals, and families continue to face significant challenges recruiting, hiring, and retaining direct support staff, which severely impacts the supports and services needed.
Many of the legislators in attendance at these events were in strong support of The Arc’s budget workforce ask and committed to bringing it to leadership. It’s vital that legislators continue to hear a unified message from their constituents to address much needed relief for individuals and caregivers.
Please reach out to your legislators today to ask for funding to attract and retain the staff needed to restore a fully functioning service delivery system to support people with disabilities and their families!
Use The Arc’s FY23 budget action alert via http://arcmass.org/action or the Main State House Number at (617) 722-2000 to connect to your legislators.