NewsWebinars October 1, 2021 The Arc Co-Sponsors Massachusetts Historical Society’s “Disability and American Past” Series The Arc of Massachusetts is a co-sponsor of the Disability and American Past Series (8… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
COVID-19Leo's LettersNewsWorkforce Initiative September 30, 2021 Leo’s Letter: Rebooting The Workforce Initiative The pandemic’s impact reinforces the need for change in the delivery of disability services. Some… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
COVID-19Leo's LettersNews September 23, 2021 Leo’s Letter: A Brother’s Eulogy, A Sister’s Love The last 18 months have taken a toll on us. As of September 22, there were… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
COVID-19NewsWorkforce Initiative September 22, 2021 The Arc Submits Testimony On Use Of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding In The Commonwealth On Tuesday, September 21, The Arc’s Ellen Taverna and Maura Sullivan submitted testimony for the… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
NewsWorkforce Initiative September 16, 2021 Governor Baker Proclaims Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week 2021 Governor Charlie Baker has proclaimed the week of September 12 to 18 the 2021 Direct… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
COVID-19Leo's LettersNewsWorkforce Initiative September 16, 2021 Leo’s Letter: Recognizing Our Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) As The Arc of Massachusetts develops our Direct Support Professionals (DSP) honor roll for the… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
DevelopmentNews September 9, 2021 The 2020-21 Annual Report Is Now Available Online Between July 2020 and June 2021, The Arc of Massachusetts continued its work of enhancing… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
COVID-19Government AffairsLeo's LettersNewsWorkforce Initiative September 9, 2021 COVID-19: Leo’s Letter: The Arc Releases New COVID Position Statement Eighteen months have passed since Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued a state of emergency on… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
COVID-19Government AffairsNewsWorkforce Initiative August 16, 2021 The Arc’s Ellen Taverna Testifies On Home and Community-Based Services Workforce Rates On Monday, August 16, The Arc's Director of Public Policy Ellen Taverna testified at the… The Arc of Massachusetts 0
Budget & PolicyCOVID-19Government AffairsNews July 13, 2021 Conference Committee FY’2022 Budget Maintains The Arc’s Priorities for the Disability Community! The Arc is grateful for a continued positive outcome in the FY’22 Conference Committee budget.… The Arc of Massachusetts 0